Mutso Fortress

In Khevsureti region there is the fortress of Mutso or Mutsu that stands high in the mountains, over the abyss of the gorge. Little is known about the construction of the fortress. According to one of the legends, the fortress was built during the reign of Queen Tamara or even earlier.

The location of the fortress is perfect from the defensive point of view: on the one side there are the cliffs, the gorge and the river, on the other side there is a powerful fortress wall. The fortress and fortified houses stand behind the walls.

The most impressive in the fortress Mutso are burial grounds. Behind the walls there are small stone buildings with small windows instead of doors. Through the windows, you can see the stone couches and human bones. According to one of the theories, during the plague of 1850, infected were sent to Muzo. In these burial grounds the infected lived the last days of their lives. Gradually the fortress was emptied and became a burial place.


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