Mtirala National Park

Mtirala National Park is one of the newest reserves in Georgia. The park is located in the resort region of Adjara, at an altitude of 1761 meters above sea level. The park is foggy all year-round that is why the locals sometimes call the area “weeping mountain”.

Six thousand hectares of the park is covered with relict forests and rare tropical plants. Due to high humidity, Mtirala Park is considered one of the most diverse and richest in Georgia. Moreover, according to experts, this is the only place on earth with such a variety of flora.

The park has mineral springs, picturesque waterfalls, lakes and rivers. Trekking routes pass through the most beautiful corners of the park, however, they reveal only a small part of the unique reserve. The park also has a zip route where you can ride and enjoy the beauty of the park from a height.

In addition to the popular route, the park can be explored along a trekking route of 15 km length. You can also arrange camping in the park and explore it in a couple of days.


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