Khertvisi Fortress

In the south of the country, not far from the famous cave town of Vardzia, at the confluence of the Paravani and Mtkvari rivers, there is a popular attraction, the fortress of Khertvisi. The ancient fortress is a perfect match with nature: surrounded by mighty mountains, the strong walls of it look even more powerful.

The date of the construction of the fortress in different sources is indicated in different ways. The first mention of it was back in the time of the Great Silk Road. The castle is located on the top of the mountain and at one time was difficult to access. That’s why Khertvisi is kept in good condition.

The fortress was damaged by the earthquake, the next ruining force was the Mongols who destroyed most of Khertvisi. The following centuries the fortress was repeatedly restored, and today it represents a living witness of medieval Georgia. Today the complex consists of a powerful citadel, fortified walls, the ruins of the church and a tunnel leading to the river.

In 2007 the fortress of Khertvisi was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


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