Greater Liakhvi River

The Greater Liahvi is a river that flows through Georgia and South Ossetia. The Greater Liahvi is considered one of the largest tributaries of the Kur River, which is 115 km long.

The river originates in the mountains, it flows through the mountains and along the Lower Kartli Valley, and finally flows into the Kur River in the town of Gori. The river itself has two tributaries Malaya Liakhva and Pata.

The river is of great importance for the nearest settlements: the city of Tskhinval, large and small villages. There is also a Hydroelectric Power Station on the river.

In recent years active and extreme tourism has been actively developed on the territory of Liahvi. The natural characteristics of the river, the rapid current and the mountain area are perfect for rafting and kayak rafting.


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