Price Overview in Georgia

Are you still dreaming about the country of your dreams? Now it’s time to get down to earth and start to really plan your vacation. The key to a pleasant and easy vacation is first of all correct budget planning and consideration of the possible costs that you will have to face in an unfamiliar country. Not a pleasant occupation, considering that when travelling abroad, we often have quite conflicting information about the approximate prices for food in stores, cafes, and restaurants, for transportation, accommodation, and entertainment.

According to various media and popular travel blogs, Georgia is often included in the top 10 most budget travel destinations, where you can perfectly relax without spending fabulous amounts of money. All simple human pleasures can be obtained completely free of charge: the sun, mountains, fresh air and the sea, and most importantly, many ancient sights, visiting which will not make you spend a penny!

If Georgia is the country of your dreams, our team will help you organize an unforgettable vacation in sunny Georgia, taking into account the peculiarities of your budget. Just stay with us and you will learn a lot of useful information about the prices of transport, accommodation, food in Georgia, which will help you to avoid needless waste and save money!

Price Overview in Georgia: Currency

Georgian national currency is called “lari” or GEL in the international format. When travelling to Georgia, it is most advantageous to take cash in dollars, euros or rubles, and exchange them for GEL already on spot. In Tbilisi and large cities, you will not face any problems with currency exchange. Keep in mind that the lari rate at airports and border posts is quite unprofitable, so exchange only the minimum required. It is most profitable to exchange large sums in capital banks or currency exchange points.

In Tbilisi and large cities, you can also pay with a credit card at supermarkets, restaurants, shops and hotels, however, be careful: for transactions, when converting currency into GEL, your card may be charged an additional commission of 2% -3%, which is unprofitable for a purse. Therefore, we strongly recommend always carrying some cash with you. Thus you can avoid unnecessary waste; especially outside the capital, it is almost impossible to use a credit card. More detailed information on currency exchange in Georgia can be found in our separate article.

GEL rate according to 26.04.2017:

1 USD = 2.4 GEL
1 EUR = 2.55 GEL
100 RUB = 4.24 GEL

Price Overview in Georgia: Food

In Georgia, nobody will be hungry: the country offers an abundance of national dishes and fresh products for affordable prices. It is important to take into account that the prices of many products, vegetables, and fruits are significantly lower when purchased in markets or in small grocery stores. In supermarkets, prices may slightly vary not in favour of tourists. Do not forget to bargain: Georgians, like most Eastern nations, love a bargain, no matter whether you buy tomatoes on the market or souvenirs.

Bread in Georgia costs from 0.7-1 lari, for example, lavash or shoti. Consider that buying bread is best from bakeries. Such bread, unlike the factory-made bread, is baked in special stone stoves, due to which bread acquires a unique aroma. Georgia is famous for its delicious cheeses. For example, the Adygei cheese can be purchased for 7-8 GEL per kg, while the famous Suluguni costs from 8-10 GEL per kg.

Prices for wine – the most famous drink that became the hallmark of Georgia, start from 3-4 GEL per litre. Depending on the brand, ageing, and nobility of wine, prices may differ significantly. In many markets, as well as in wineries, cafes and restaurants homemade wines for bottling are sold. As a rule, it is cheaper, but in no way inferior in quality.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables in Georgia are very cheap. So, in summer you can buy a kg of tomatoes for 1-1.5 GEL, cucumbers cost about 1 GEL, watermelon – 60-70 tetri per kg, a kg of grapes is 2 GEL.

Dining out in restaurants and medium-level cafes in different cities of the country will also not make tourists spend much money. An average dinner for two with wine and a few hot dishes will cost 20-30 GEL. In swanky restaurants prices are correspondingly higher. National street food in Georgia is mainly represented by various types of khachapuri, which costs 1-5 GEL. Khinkali is also a popular dish, as a rule, a portion of khinkali, which can be eaten by an adult, consists of 5-7 pieces, one piece costs only 60-70 tetri. A portion of shish kebab (barbecue) costs about 10-15 lari.

Price Overview in Georgia:  Accommodation

As in any European city, you can find accommodation in Georgia according to your taste and budget. In the capital of Tbilisi, as well as in the ski and sea resorts, there is very developed hotel infrastructure. In Georgia, there are both economy class hotels and luxury hotels of world-famous brands. If you want to spend a vacation in a middle-class hotel, be prepared to pay from 60$- 80$ per night for two. A cheaper option is to rent a room or live in a guesthouse. In low season, the price for a room for two will cost about 25-35$, and in the high season 40-60$. The price of housing greatly depends on the location: the closer to the centre, the more expensive. You can get acquainted with the best hotels and hostels here.


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