Georgian National Sweets

If you are already familiar with the most popular dishes of the Georgian cuisine, it’s time to move on to dessert. Today we will please the sweet tooth and will tell you what kind of delicacies you should definitely try when travelling in Georgia:

Georgian National Sweets: Churchkhela

Probably, many of you have ever heard the word “churchkhela”, and many have even tried this delicacy. Churchkhela is the national sweetness in Georgia, which is made from nuts and grape juice. There are several types of churchkhela in the country: Kakhetian is prepared from walnuts, which are strung on a thread and dipped in grape juice brewed on wheat flour; Imeretian is prepared of hazelnut, which is dipped into the mass cooked on cornflour base. Kakhetian churchkhela is very satisfying; it is sometimes even called “Georgian Snickers.” Churchkhela is a great nutritious and healthy snack, which due to its composition has a positive effect on mood and gives a boost of energy. Moreover, this sweetness can be stored for a long time and is well transportable. In Georgia, churchkhela is a mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday table. For buying churchkhela visit any grocery market in Georgia. Besides traditional churchkhela, you will also see there other variations with various nuts and syrups (on a photo above). Аnd in Tbilisi, you can also visit the shop Badagi located not far from Rustaveli metro station. It is said that the most delicious churchkhela in the city is sold in Badagi.

Georgian National Sweets: Pelamushi

Pelamushi is a sweet dish that resembles a frozen pudding. Georgians usually prepare it in cold season using grape juice and walnuts. More specifically, pelamushi is the shell of Imeretian churchkhela (prepared in the western part of Georgia). For its preparation, you need to boil grape juice with cornflour and sugar until the mass gets thick. Hot pelamushi should be poured into bowls and put in the refrigerator. When the mass hardens it is time to turn the bowls on the plate. Ready pelamushi can be beautifully decorated with chopped nuts and served. Traditionally Georgians use the juice of red grapes; the white grapes are used only for weddings – that symbolizes the purity of the bride.

Georgian National Sweets: Kozinaki

The other very delicious nourishing but at the same time very simple delicacy of the Georgian national cuisine is kozinaki. Undoubtedly, many of you have tried it more than once but probably, not all know that kozinaki has Georgian origin. It is prepared of chopped walnuts (sometimes hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds or sesame) and honey. Kozinaki is an excellent variant for a healthy snack. In Georgia, it is traditionally served on New Year table.

Georgian National Sweets: Tklapi

Tklapi is thin sour fruit lavash. Traditionally it is prepared of sour plums tkemali, sometimes of dogwood or other fruits and berries. Such kind of fruit preparation helps to preserve fruits and berries and is a versatile option for further use. Georgians serve tklapi as dried fruits or add them in hot meat dishes or sources. Before adding the small pieces of lavash are soaked in water and then grinded into a puree. The sour taste of tklapi goes well with meat dishes.


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